Submit your event

All Icon Group/Network events must be submitted on the form below. Once Icon staff have published it to our booking system, the event will automatically be uploaded to our website event calendar and Zoom account.

Please ensure you do not make any edits/amendments to sessions on Zoom, as this will affect bookings on Eventfolio. The Zoom sessions are linked with the event on our website and on members records, if an edit is made, then attendees will not be able to access the event. Never click the 'change meeting to webinar' or 'change webinar to meeting' buttons in Zoom.

Please read the Icon Groups/Networks guidance on submitting events here.

Event Details:

Event settings

Editorial content


This is not a required field and doesn't need to be included for casual/networking events.

Drag / Paste a file here
Or, if you prefer...

Ticket details

A minimum £10 must be charged for non-member tickets, unless your event is a casual/networking event. To request for the non-member ticket fee to be waived, please include '10' in the non-member field and in the additional comments section include your request and reason for the ticket being free.

Group/Network Contact Details & Comments


Please attach a word document containing details of your event, which will be emailed to members within your Group/Network to advertise your event. It is ideal to not include the exact same details which appear on the event page, as we want to entice members to click through and read most information on our website. All hyperlinks in Iconnects must be to the Icon website - we will always include the booking link.