Icon's Board of Trustees

Icon is governed by a voluntary Board of Trustees with wide and varied experience in conservation and related sectors

Icon is a registered charity and a charitable company limited by guarantee. Icon's trustees are therefore both charity trustees and directors of the limited company. This means that trustees are responsible for setting the strategic direction of Icon and for agreeing and reviewing annual priorities. Trustees are also responsible for the sound financial management of the charity and compliance with relevant regulations.

All Trustees are Icon Members and must abide by Icon's Values and Code of Conduct.

There are currently 15 members of the Board of Trustees: 10 trustees were elected by the membership and 5 were co-opted by the Board.

In addition to the Board of Trustees there are four main Board Committees which have resposibilty for aspects of Icon's activities:

  • Finance: Receives quarterly Management Accounts and oversees the preparation of the Trustees’ Annual Report, budget setting, the appointment of the Auditors and major project expenditure
  • Professional Standards and Development (PSD): Oversees, manages and advises on policy development and implementation of conservation related professional standards, training and education and research
  • Conferences: Supports the organisation of large events with the intention of creating better experiences and greater positive impact for individual members, Groups and Networks, Icon's external reputation and public profile.
  • Nominations: Identifies and interviews candidates for appointment as Co-opted Trustees or as Chair of the Board of Trustees and recommends to the Board which candidates should be appointed
  • Remuneration: Considers proposals for cost of living adjustments and staff remuneration and make recommendation to the Board

Further details of Icon's governance structures procedures can be found in the Trustees' Annual Reports.



Emma Chaplin

Emma Chaplin


Richard Bruce

Richard Bruce

Trustee, Finance Committee chair

Diana Davis​ ACR
Nic Boyes ACR

Nic Boyes ACR


Claire Fry ACR

Claire Fry ACR

Trustee, Finance Committee member

Maria Jordan ACR
Charles Morse

Charles Morse

Trustee (Co-opted)

James Murphy

James Murphy

Trustee (Co-opted), Finance Committee member

David Orr ACR

David Orr ACR


Anita Quye

Anita Quye

Trustee (Scotland)

Michelle Rheeston
Mark Ross

Mark Ross

Trustee (Co-opted)

Michelle Stoddart

Michelle Stoddart

Vice Chair, Finance Committee member

Matthew Read

Matthew Read


Philippa Räder ACR
Emma Callaghan

Emma Callaghan


 Trustees' Annual Reports