Ceramics & Glass Group - Dinner at The Lamb (CGG 40th Celebration Dinner)

CGG will be hosting a dinner at The Lamb. The meal will include two courses and a glass of wine. After dinner, we will have the unique opportunity to hear from Bouke De Vries, who will give a talk on his recent exhibition Visions in Porcelain: A Rake’s Progress which was on display last year at the Sir John Soane Museum.

Visions in Porcelain: A Rake’s Progress | Sir John Soane's Museum

Speaker: Bouke de Vries

Born in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Bouke de Vries studied at the Design Academy  Eindhoven, and Central St Martin’s, London. After working with John Galliano, Stephen Jones and Zandra Rhodes, he switched careers and studied ceramics conservation and restoration at West Dean College. Every day in his practice as a private conservator he was faced with issues and contradictions around perfection and worth and used this as the starting point for his works.

Using his skills as a restorer , his artworks reclaim broken pots after their accidental trauma. He has called it ‘the beauty of destruction’. Instead of reconstructing them, he deconstructs them. Instead of hiding the evidence of this most dramatic episode in the life of a ceramic object, he emphasises their new status, instilling new virtues, new values, and moving their stories forward.


The Lamb,

94 Lamb’s Conduit Street,

London, WC1N 1EA