Icon24 Ceramic & Glass Group - Synergy Between Practical Conservation and Technology

A lunchtime talk exploring laser technology on terracotta and the conservation of a rare Mosan plaque

As part of Icon24 programme, the Ceramic & Glass Group is pleased to announce an exciting lunchtime webinar.

Join us as we explore the conservation of a rare 12th Century enameled Mosan Plaque found in Greater Manchester by metal detectorists in 2019, and the laser treatment of two reliefs from the Opificio delle Pietre Dure Museum in Florence where the use of emulsions and laser were combined to achieve an even cleaning of the terracotta. 

Shirin Afra

Senior Restorer-Conservator of Ceramics, Objects and Glass Conservation Department, Opificio Delle Pietre Dure

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Chiara Fornari

Senior Restorer Conservator in the Ceramics, Plastic, and Vitreous Objects Conservation Department , Opificio delle Pietre Dure

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Chiara Gabbriellini

Senior Restorer/ Conservator in the Ceramics Objects and Glass Conservation Department, Opificio delle Pietre Dure

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Irit Narkiss

Conservator of Objects and Access, Manchester Museum

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Steve Newman

Senior Metals Conservator, National Museums Liverpool

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