Icon24 Furniture and Woodwork - Talk and Tour of the Temple Church with Tea and Cake

The Temple played a central role in the gestation of Magna Carta, and in the spread of the Charter’s principles to America and throughout the world.

In the Temple Church itself, in use by 1162, are the effigies of William Marshal, 1st Earl of Pembroke and hero of Runnymede, and of his son the 2nd Earl, one of the Charter’s Surety Barons. Robin co-edited Magna Carta, Religion and the Rule of Law (2015), edited and produced the widely-read booklet Magna Carta 1215–2015 and curated the Magna Carta exhibition that is still on show at the Temple Church.

The Round Church of the Temple Church is modelled on the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Robin co-edited The Temple Church: History, Architecture, Art (2013) and Tomb and Temple: Re-Imagining the Sacred Buildings of Jerusalem (2017).

Following the tour, attendees are invited to join us for tea and cake at the Lincoln's Inn Members Common Room from 4pm. The Furniture and Woodwork Group's AGM will take place afterwards.

Robin  Griffith-Jones

Robin Griffith-Jones

Reverend and Valiant Master, Temple Church

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