Icon24 Stained Glass Group - Reliving 'No Old Hat' - Part 1

The Icon Stained Glass Group is delighted to invite members to relive our 2023 annual conference, 'No Old Hat: New Approaches and Techniques in Conservation' giving conference delegates the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of stained glass conservation. The talks are split into 2 sessions taking place on 30 July and 7 August. 

The Icon Stained Glass Group is delighted to invite members to relive our 2023 annual conference, 'No Old Hat: New Approaches and Techniques in Conservation' giving conference delegates the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of stained glass conservation. The talks are split into 2 sessions taking place on 30 July and 7 August. 

In part one we will explore the use of social media to engage audiences and then move onto talking about practical conservation projects including the results of silver stain firings and the history and use of acid etching. 


  • Derek Hunt ACR: Using social media to engage with your audience. 
  • Moira Malcolm: Results from different silver stain firings and uses at Taymouth Castle.
  • Stephen Malcolm & Vivienne Kelly: History of acid etching in commercial premises and how to do it.

If you would like to attend both part 1 and part 2, you need to book them separately. Book part 2 here

Derek Hunt ACR

Derek Hunt ACR

Director , Limelight Studios Ltd

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Vivienne Kelly

Vivienne Kelly

Conservator, Iona Art Glass

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Moira Malcolm

Moira Malcolm

Director, Rainbow Glass Studio Ltd

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Stephen Malcolm

Stephen Malcolm

Director, Rainbow Glass Studio Ltd

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