Icon24 Stained Glass Group - Reliving 'No Old Hat' - Part 2

The Icon Stained Glass Group is delighted to invite members to relive our 2023 annual conference, 'No Old Hat: New Approaches and Techniques in Conservation' giving conference delegates the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of stained glass conservation. The talks are split into 2 sessions taking place on 30 July and 7 August. 

The Icon Stained Glass Group is delighted to invite members to relive our 2023 annual conference, 'No Old Hat: New Approaches and Techniques in Conservation' giving conference delegates the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of stained glass conservation. The talks are split into 2 sessions taking place on 30 July and 7 August. 

In part two we will hear from speakers talking about the re-ordering of a Basket Miracle window, approaces to displaying fragmented medieval stained glass fines and the retouching of 19th century stained glass using Pointillism. 


  • Leonie Seliger ACR: Moving Pilgrims – re-ordering a Becket Miracle window in Canterbury Cathedral.
  • Isabelle Davies: An Exploration of Approaches to Displaying Fragmented Medieval Stained Glass Finds from the Basilica of Kloster Eberbach
  • Christa Heidrich and Ronja Lammers: Retouching 19th century stained glass using Pointillism.

If you would like to attend both part 1 and part 2, you need to book them separately. Book part 1 here

Isabelle Davies

Isabelle Davies

Conservator, The Cathedral Studios, Canterbury

Christa Heidrich

Ronja Lammers

Léonie Seliger ACR

Léonie Seliger ACR

Director of Stained Glass Conservation , Canterbury Cathedral

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