International Academic Projects: Integrated Pest Management – a two session virtual course

Integrated Pest Management – a two session virtual course

Date/Time: 27 & 28 February 2024, 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Tutors: David Pinniger and Jane Thompson Webb
Price: £125.00
Places available: 25
Registration: Please register on Eventbrite. For payment by bank transfer please contact IAP by email.

This two-session virtual course (spread over 2 days at 2.30pm GMT to 5.30pm GMT each day) will discuss Integrated Pest Management, Trapping and Monitoring, and how to control Insect Pests.

An Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme can only be effective if there is an understanding of which insects are present and whether pest numbers are stable, increasing or decreasing. Pests can attack a wide range of materials including ethnographic, social history, textiles, furniture, paper, books and taxidermy.


The course will cover:

1/ The pests

What they need to live

How to identify the main species

Recognising the damage different pests can cause

Understanding ways to prevent pests becoming established.

2/ The importance of understanding pest environments and the need to monitor temperature and humidity.

3/ Monitoring for pests using traps.

4/ Selecting the most appropriate treatments to control pests.

5/ Making plans to establish an IPM programme.

6/ Examining available resources to help with IPM.


The course is aimed at anyone with any involvement with, or responsibility for, care of collections.

David Pinniger is an entomologist and international pest management consultant. He has worked with IAP in offering short courses on IPM and Insect Identification since 1984.

Jane Thompson Webb is the Conservation Team Leader at Birmingham Museums Trust and chairs the Icon Care of Collections Group.

More information:
