Invite to WAES National Apprenticeship Week Employers' Event
Invite to WAES National Apprenticeship Week Employers' Event
Dear all,
Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES) are delighted to invite you to our National Apprenticeship Week Employers' Event on Monday 10th February.
Date: Monday 10th February
Time: 09.30 - 11.00
Location: Online via Teams
To book, please go to:
The event is for employers already working with apprentices as well as those interested in finding out more about getting involved. It is free and invite-only so please make sure to book an Eventbrite ticket.
This will be a practical session on how to offer an apprenticeship opportunity, available funding and how we at WAES can support you.
In this week celebrating apprenticeships, we believe that work-based learning and apprenticeship programmes are a great way to diversify the workforce and offer opportunities for people to train, whilst working, so they can bring new skills, experiences and perspectives to organisations.
The event will include talks from the WAES apprenticeship team as well as Nikki Christie, Deputy Director, Business Services Route at the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.
At WAES we deliver a number of apprenticeship standards:
- Level 2 Customer Service Practitioner
- Level 3 Customer Service Specialist
- Level 3 Library, Information and Archive Services Assistant
- Level 3 Cultural Learning and Participation Officer
- Level 3 Museums and Galleries Technician
- Level 7 Archivist and Records Manager
For more information about our apprenticeship offer, please visit Westminster Adult Education Service Apprenticeships.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Please do forward this on to any other colleagues in your own or other organisations you think might be interested in finding out about apprenticeships.