Learn about the role of case studies in modern and contemporary paint research
Works of art have been used as the focus for modern paint and cleaning science research for over two decades at Tate, resulting in the development of a collaborative methodology and innovative treatments anchored by supporting heritage science and a risk-based approach. In this session, Bronwyn will discuss how case study works of art and conservation treatments have been incorporated into, as well as both guide and challenge ongoing collaborative research into the preservation of modern painted works of art at Tate, using several key works from Tate's modern and contemporary art collection dating from the 1950s and 1960s.
Principal Conservation Scientist, Tate
Dr. Bronwyn Ormsby is Tate’s Principal Conservation Scientist and leads the Conservation Science and Preventive Conservation section of Tate’s Conservation Department. As a scientist, Bronwyn specialises in the analysis of works of art and the development, modification and evaluation of conservation treatments on modern and contemporary art. Bronwyn is widely published, and her recent multi-year funded research projects include NANORESTART (2015-2018), CMOP (Cleaning Modern Oil Paints, 2015-2018) and currently GREENART (2022-2025), all of which aim(ed) to enhance and evaluate options for the low-risk surface cleaning treatment of painted works of art. In addition, Conservation Science has been awarded for UK government funded infrastructure grants; two from the AHRC Capability for Collections call (2020-2022) and most recently, two UKRI RICHeS(Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science) awards. Bronwyn also supervises doctoral students and delivers professional development and student workshops on modern paints and cleaning modern painted surfaces nationally and internationally; and was the 2024 recipient of the prestigious Plowden Medal for her contributions to the conservation profession.