Traditional Paint Forum Annual Conference "From the Sublime to the Meticulous

Come and join fellow paint enthusiasts for our annual conference From the Sublime to the Meticulous.

Our annual conference will this year be held in The Gulbenkian Room at ISH Venues at 229 Great Portland Street, London where we are delighted to host a series of talks about the research and application of traditional paint.

Our varied talks include:


  • Fibrous Plaster Finishes - The analysis of coatings used on five London based theatre and auditoriums; A la Ronde - Exploring the conservation and restoration of a unique decorative scheme;
  • Conserving the Drummond Chapel's Decoration by A W Pugin at St Peter & St Paul's Church
  • Trends and Techniques - What can archival recipe books tell us about historic architectural paint?
  • Trapped humidity, The REAL Rising Damp - Understanding and addressing the hidden threat eroding our historic buildings.

We are also welcoming a number of exhibitors including Rose of Jericho Ltd; Mike Dobby Analytical Consultant, London Pigments and Ricky McPherson (decorator and collector).