Archaeology Annual Conference 2024: Call for Papers


Save the date & call for papers

Icon Archaeology Group AGM and half day online conference:

On site lifting of archaeology, 14th August 2024 1.30pm-5pm

The Icon Archaeology Group are pleased to welcome proposals from archaeological conservators of any career stage for talks of up to 30 minutes on any aspect of on-site lifting of archaeology, including case studies, wider projects, and approaches. Proposals for 10 minute slots are also welcomed, if you would like to share a short case study or technique. The theme will compliment the much-anticipated newest edition of the First Aid for Finds handbook expected later this year, which will also be delivered as an online publication for the first time.

Submiting your proposals

To submit a proposal for a main session talk on the theme of on-site lifting of archaeology, please send an abstract of up to 300 words to [email protected] by 29th July 2024 with the subject line AGM main session talk abstract, and specifying whether you would like a longer slot (up to 30 minutes) or a shorter slot (10 minutes). Up to two images may be included with the submission, and a speaker bio of up to 200 words per speaker.

We will also have a dedicated slot for early career and student conservators to share a short presentation (5 – 10 minutes) on an archaeological project they are working on or have recently completed. These can be relating to any material or theme.

To submit a proposal for a short talk, please email [email protected] by 29th July 2024 with the subject line AGM short EC talk proposal and include your bio (up to 200 words), your proposal or project you would like to talk about (up to 300 words), and an image.

Book your place - The Online AGM and Conference