Our committee

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Call for Heritage Science Group Committee Member Nominations

Three positions are opening up on the Icon Heritage Science Group committee this year as current members reach the end of their terms. We welcome and encourage members both new and long-standing to put themselves forward for these positions.

The main responsibilities of the committee are organising heritage science-related events and training for the group, dissemination of scientific research in conservation, community engagement and as a link between members and Icon head office; and there are also more admin-based roles such as treasurer or secretary.

Being a member of the committee is an excellent opportunity to network with other conservation professionals and researchers in heritage science, it is also a chance to add to your CPD, or to share skills and expertise you may already have.

Support is given to all new committee members. Meetings are held quarterly via Zoom plus email communication. Travel expenses are covered for committee members to attend occasional in-person meetings. Positions on the committee are usually held for a 3-year term.

If you would like to be put forward as a candidate for election onto the committee, we’d love to hear from you! Please send a max. 200-word statement of intention, naming the position you would like to apply for, to [email protected] by 28 February 2023.


The positions open to nomination are:

Icon Heritage Science Group – Communications Officer


This role monitors and manages the Icon Heritage Science Group (HSG) publication outlets (with the exception of social media communications which are managed by the Social Media Officer). The main objectives of this engagement is to publicise events and seminars, disseminate heritage science content and increase the visibility of the HSG, Icon and Heritage Science in print and online. At the moment, non-social media communications have been focussed on Icon News, i-connects and our webpage content but could expand to other outlets in the future, depending on the interests of the Communications Officer and the HSG.


  1. Regularly update group members with news from the committee (highlights of meetings, events and activities, relevant publications and news from the Heritage Science sector).
  2. Commission, curate and, where necessary, create the content that should be disseminated by the HSG publication outlets, by taking suggestions from HSG members and keeping track of recent developments in the field.
  3. Report on our communication activities at the Icon HSG quarterly meetings and AGM.
  4. Take the initiative in the creation and delivery of a communications plan, with the support of other colleagues in the HSG.

Working relationships:

  • Within the HSG, the communications officer works most closely with the Chair to agree general communications plan, as well as the events team. In the case of the latter, this is not to organise the events themselves, but to understand what is being organised, and how best to present it to our members.
  • Coordination is also necessary with the social media officer and editor, to ensure consistent and high-quality messaging and events are circulated by the different channels. HSG’s current social media channel is twitter but this is open to expansion with the Social Media Officer.

Beneficial CPD Outcomes for post-holder:

  • Improved networking and links with conservators and heritage organisations in UK and beyond 
  • Improved knowledge about voluntary sector workings and governance procedures
  • Improved knowledge of other disciplines through links with other groups and communications managers.
  • Transferable skills as a communications officer for other charities or institutions.
  • Event planning
  • Delegation and team working

Icon Heritage Science Group – Editor


The Editor plays an important role in ensuring that HSG communications via all channels meet our high standards for publication. The main objectives of this engagement is to publicise events and seminars, disseminate heritage science content and increase the visibility of the HSG, Icon and Heritage Science in print and online. Working with the Communications Officer and Social Media Officer, this role will advise, edit, and give the final check on communications prior to publication.   


  1. Promptly proof-read and edit HSG content prior to publication.
  2. Support the HSG secretary in preparing committee meeting minutes for online publication.
  3. Support the Communications Officer and Social Media Officer in creating, curating and distributing communications to our audiences.

Working relationships:

  • Within the HSG, the editor works most closely with the communications officer and social media officer to ensure the high quality of the communications from HSG.

Beneficial CPD Outcomes for post-holder:

  • Improved networking and links with conservators and heritage organisations in UK and beyond 
  • Improved knowledge about voluntary sector workings and governance procedures
  • Improved knowledge of other disciplines through links with other groups and editors.
  • Transferable skills as a content editor for other charities or institutions.
  • Event planning
  • Delegation and team working

Icon Heritage Science Group – Community Engagement Officer


This role is the main contact point between the HSG membership and the HSG committee. The HSG seeks to represent and respond to the interests of the heritage science community, by organising events that are relevant to them, push the growth of the field in a positive direction, and by providing a forum for discussion and debate. The “Community Engagement Officer” helps fulfil these objectives by keeping track of the interests of members using surveys, moderating the forums in the ICON website and leading on member-focused activities. An example of a member-focused activity that will require the involvement of the Community Engagement Officer is the development of the accreditation system for sustainable labs that HSG is currently working on. This role will be essential to enable members to shape the new developments.


  1. Update and deliver yearly the member survey, which seeks to create a snapshot of members interests and priorities.
  2. Moderate the forums in the Icon website and use them to stir debate and promote engagement with group activities
  3. Contribute to current member-focused activities, such as the development of an accreditation system for sustainability in heritage science labs.
  4. Propose new ideas that involve members in the activities of the group
  5. Report on member relations in the HSG quarterly meetings

Working relationships:

  • Within the HSG, the community engagement officer works most closely with the Chair to agree a general community engagement plan.
  • This role also collaborates with the student representative, who represents the interests of Heritage Science students and early career researchers.
  • Coordination is also necessary with the communications officer, social media officer and editor, to ensure the communication with members is consistent in all channels.

Beneficial CPD Outcomes for post-holder:

  • Improved networking and links with conservators and heritage organisations in UK and beyond 
  • Improved knowledge about voluntary sector workings and governance procedures
  • Improved knowledge of other disciplines through links with other groups.
  • Transferable skills in development of questionnaires and forum moderation, as well as any other social media mechanisms used for community management, as decided by the post-holder.
  • Event planning
  • Delegation and team working

Icon Heritage Science Group – Student Representative


This role represents the views and interests of students of Heritage Science. The number of heritage science students is increasing nationally and globally, at all levels, but particularly in postgraduate research positions. In addition, many students in other fields have an affinity for heritage science. The student representative will be their voice in the Heritage Science group, ensuring that the activities (training, seminars, networking and content) align with the interests and priorities of students.


  1. Contribute to the organisation of events that align with the interests of students.
  2. Act as a representative of the student membership of the Icon HSG, by understanding their priorities (through personal experience, contacts and the HSG survey) and reporting about them in HSG quarterly meetings.
  3. Evaluate if the HSG activity plan aligns with the interests of students
  4. Propose new ideas for activities and dissemination that engage the student membership
  5. Maintain contacts with other heritage science bodies such as the NHSF to exchange experience and potentially contribute to collaborative events for the benefit of students.

Working relationships:

  • Within the HSG, the Student rep works most closely with the Chair to agree general student engagement plan.
  • This role also collaborates with the events team and the community engagement officer, ensuring that their activities dovetail with student-focused activities. The Student Rep does not organise all student activities, instead, advises the committee on their content and contributes to certain delegated parts of their organisation.
  • Coordination is also necessary with the communications officer, social media officer and editor, to ensure the communication with student members is consistent in all channels.

Beneficial CPD Outcomes for post-holder:

  • Improved networking and links with conservators and heritage organisations in UK and beyond 
  • Improved knowledge about voluntary sector workings and governance procedures
  • Improved knowledge of other disciplines through links with other groups.
  • Transferable skills in development of questionnaires and forum moderation, as well as any other social media mechanisms used for community management, as decided by the post-holder.
  • Event planning
  • Delegation and team working


Our committee


Dr Josep Grau-Bove

Chair, Icon Heritage Science Group

Associate Professor of Heritage Science, University College London

[email protected]

Dr Helen Wilson

Co-chair & Secretary, Icon Heritage Science Group

Heritage Scientist, The National Archives
[email protected]

Dr Lucia Noor Melita

Treasurer, Icon Heritage Science Group

Lead Conservation Scientist at The British Museum

[email protected]

Dr Nicola Grahamslaw

Editor, Icon Heritage Science Group

Conservation engineer at the SS Great Britain Trust

[email protected]

Dr Morana Novak

Events Coordinator , Icon Heritage Science Group

Material Scientist

[email protected]

Dr Valentina Risdonne

Community Engagement Officer , Icon Heritage Science Group

Conservation Scientist at the V&A and Laboratory Coordinator at UCL

[email protected]

Antanas Melinis

General committee member, Icon Heritage Science Group

PhD student, UCL Institute of Archaeology
[email protected]

Dr Natalie Brown

Web Manager, Icon Heritage Science Group

Head of Audiences at the National Archives

[email protected]

Francesca Azolini

Student Representative , Icon Heritage Science Group

PhD student, University College London

[email protected]

Dr Antanas Melinis

General Committee Member , Icon Heritage Science Group

Post-Doctoral Research Scientist, English Heritage
[email protected]