Call for Papers: Global Climate Change and Built Heritage
Guest Editors
Dr Chris J. Whitman, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University
Lui Tam, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University
Prof Oriel Prizeman, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University
Submission deadline for extended abstract: 29th July 2022
Submission deadline for full papers: 30th June 2023
Aims and Scope
Climate change is having a profound impact on our practical, technical, and philosophical approaches to building conservation. From mitigation to adaptation to managed loss, conservators are faced with increasingly challenging decisions for the future of our historic built environment. At the same time, it is recognised that many of these buildings offer important lessons from a pre-industrial age. This special issue aims to collate current research into the complex relationship between climate change and built heritage. Contributions are welcomed that consider the technical and philosophical challenges under the following sub-themes. Where a paper does not fit under a specified theme or spans more than one, please incorporate a note to that effect in a cover letter with the submission.
Papers may include the following topics, but not limited to:
- The impact of the continued use of built heritage on climate change
- The impact of climate change on built heritage
- Learning from the Past
- Built heritage and environmental justice
For more information, please see: