Coronavirus survey shows anxiety and focus on strategic planning for recovery

The results of Icon’s recent Coronavirus survey show that respondents feel apprehensive of the future but are taking strategic approaches to recover from the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.

01 Jun 2020

The survey encouraged conservators to predict the financial health of their business or organisation in the medium term (6 months). The majority (52%) described the pandemic as a moderate risk to viability and that they would be able to continue to operate if negative effects are mitigated. Nearly four out of five respondents forecast a decline in their annual turnover for the year with many describing “uncertainty” and “anxiety” over the future. 

Please list three words that articulate your feelings about the likely health of your organisation or business in 6 months time:

wordcloud coronavirus survey 2020.png

Responses pointed to a strategic approach to resuming work post-lockdown. 37 percent of contributors planned to use a recovery plan, while a third said they intended to collaborate with partners. Less than 10 percent stated they would start from scratch, suggesting preparedness and strategic planning.

However, respondents also noted that resuming operations was dependent on the timescales of clients and their recovery. Some had marketing plans to generate new clients while others said they would focus on rebuilding relations with recurring clients.

Several respondents pointed out that they had not yet been affected by the public health emergency but that this could change if the lockdown carried on. “All as normal as can be...more concerned for recovery of economy later in the financial year, continued closure of museums and exhibitions,” one participant specified. 

Icon will continue to analyse the results and share key insights with members and our partners. We are using the information to tailor our support and to inform our policy and advocacy activities. We are incredibly grateful to all those who took part in the survey and have shared their experiences and case studies with us. If you would like to tell us how you are being affected, please email us.

Read the full report.

Find out more about our work to support the profession during the pandemic and access our list of guidance and resources here


Image: Creative Commons