16 Sep 2024

Help us to develop our understanding of salaries and income in the conservation sector

Icon is refreshing its 2022 Salary Benchmarking Survey to get an up-to-date, accurate picture of remuneration levels across the conservation profession. Your input is vital in helping us understand current salary trends and inform our policy and advocacy work to support the sector.

The survey will take just 20 minutes to complete, and your responses will remain completely confidential. No individual or employer will be identifiable in the published results.

This is a valuable opportunity for everyone in the sector – whether or not you are an Icon member – to contribute. Please feel free to share this survey with colleagues and peers!

We will be publishing updated salary guidance in January 2025, so make sure your voice is heard!

Link to Survey: Icon Salaries Survey 2024

Deadline: Please complete the survey by 17 November 2024 at 23:59.