25 Sep 2024

In memory of Fiona Macalister FIIC ACR FMA FSA Scot FRSA (1956 – 2024)

A tribute by Clare Meredith

Kind. Generous. Wise. These three words pulsed like drumbeats at the thanksgiving service for Fiona’s life held at her parish church in Bristol, in tributes from her brother Donald and husband David.

There were other words that rang true for those of us who knew Fiona in the workplace: ‘vast knowledge and experience’, ‘a wonderful colleague’, ‘wanting to share’, ‘gently persuasive’, ‘incredibly well respected’, ‘brilliant at her work’ and ‘gentle counsel and good humour’.

In her own words Fiona described herself as a: “preventive and practical conservator with many years’ experience of working in national, independent and university museums, historic houses, libraries and archives”. The sense of loss on hearing of Fiona’s death on 4 June this year, following months of poor health, was widespread and heartfelt; testament to her influence for over 40 years across this vast institutional landscape.

Fiona wanted to be an archaeologist and conservator from a young age and her route was a BSc Joint Honours in Geological Sciences and Archaeology from University of Leeds in 1980, then University of Durham’s Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeological Conservation in 1984. Work as an archaeological conservator at excavations across the Middle East was followed by roles at Bristol Museums Service. The new millennium saw Fiona embark on her long professional association with the National Trust.

Initially Fiona was Conservator for the Trust’s Southern Region before being appointed Preventive Conservation Adviser (Technical) in 2002, a key national role focussing on emergency salvage, museums accreditation, collections’ protection and storage, and adaptation for climate change.   This truncated list fails, however, to capture the breadth of skills and knowledge Fiona helped develop and embed across the Trust. She moved on in 2008 to set up her own consultancy.

Fiona was awarded a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship in 2011 to research disaster planning.  Regular commissions followed to deliver training in emergency and disaster planning, salvage and disaster recovery, post-conflict damage assessment and emergency response. Her clients included the British Council, Historic England, West Dean College and Harwell Document Restoration Services.  

A continuum in Fiona’s life was her generosity and, professionally, she widely shared her expertise in a voluntary capacity - principally with Icon, ICOMOS-ICORP, ICOM UK and UK Blue Shield.  

Fiona’s appetite for all arts and sciences guided her wider interests throughout her life, with recent reading encompassing the climate change debate, Scottish history and the poetry of R. S. Thomas. A Renaissance woman, whose optimism and hope for the future remained undimmed.

Publications, Presentations and Roles held


ACR (Accredited Conservator-Restorer)

Assessor (2004-2015)

Mentor (2006-2023)

CPD Review Reader/Committee Member (2002-2013)


Intern Adviser for Internship Scheme (2008-Nov 2016)


Collections Care advice for historic house owners for the Conservation Register website.


Policy Advisory Panel member (2019-2023)


External assessor for the Conservation Technician Qualification (2010-2017)


Member of the Institute of Conservation’s Advocacy Task Force (Dec 2008-2009)




Executive Board member and trustee (2011-2018)


Member of Bursary Committee (2011-2018)


ICOM UK representative, UK Blue Shield (2013-2018)





‘Planning Matters: Emergency Planning Guidance and Templates for Archives’ For Scottish Council on Archives 2019/2020 https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/resources/preservation/emergency-planning/


Conference review: “Scottish Continuity: Resilient Scotland. Edinburgh 19 February 2019.” Icon News June 2019. Issue 82 pp. 24-25


“Monitoring and mitigating particulate matter deposition on decorative surfaces: current and future approaches in the Palace of Westminster.” Co-author: Sarah Jane Fox, Caroline Babington, Fiona Macalister, Thomas Bower, Charlotte Martin de Fonjaudran Publication, and presentation [Sarah-Jane Fox], at IIC Congress, Turin 10-14th September 2018 Studies in Conservation Vol 63 Number S1 September 2018 S81 ISSN: (Print) 0039-3630, (Online) 2047-0584


Resilience Conference 2017 and Resilient Scotland Conference 2018: Key points.” 27 Feb 2018 Conference reviews for ICOMOS-UK newsletter


"Preparing for the future: mitigating disasters and building resilience in the cultural heritage sector" Journal of the Institute of Conservation, 2015. Vol.38, No.2, 115-129. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19455224.2015.1068201


"Disaster Planning in an unstable world: Churchill Fellowship key findings and beyond. [Katastrophenplanung in einer instabilen Welt: Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse einer Churchill Fellowship und darüber hinaus]." Verband der Restauratoren (VDR) and Beitrage, Sept 2015


"Inshakelen van externe professionals [Working with external professionals.]" In Behoud van Binnen. Preventieve conservering van interieurs [Maintaining the Inside. Preventive conservation of Interiors]. WBooks/ Rijskdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (2013), pp 110-123 [with Katy Lithgow].


"Training for Disasters: Mitigation for Loss." Paper for conference proceedings: "Cultural Heritage Protection in times of Risk: Challenges and Opportunities." ICOMOS-ICORP. Istanbul, 15-17.11 2012 pp.346-354


"Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship. The Chance of a Lifetime!" Note in Icon News May 2012 pp.10-11


"Disaster Planning: training, mitigation, collaborative response and dealing with the aftermath". Winston Churchill 2011 Fellowship Report available on line: http://www.wcmt.org.uk/reports/920_1.pdf


"Evaluating internships. What do host organisations and institutions think?" Icon Intern News October 2011 e-newsletter.


“23rd IIC Congress: Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean”. Conference review, published in Icon News November 2010


“Professional Accreditation: A Contributor’s Perspective.”  Icon 2010 Conservation in Focus 26.3.2010

“Conservation - Restoration of C20th Collections at The Homewood and 2 Willow Road”.  Lead author [with Caroline Cliffe, Sally Johnson, Ann Katrin Koster and Christine Lachelin]. In Plastics:


Looking to the Future Learning from the Past. Archetype with V&A, [2008], 20-27. Paper presented at the V&A conference: 24.5.07, published late 2008.


“Making Filming Safe.”  Poster presented with Victoria Marsland (lead author) and Rhian Tritton at the IIC Congress 2008. Abstract published in “Conservation and Access”, ed. D.Saunders, J. Townsend and S. Woodcock, IIC London (2008), 253. Won International Institute of Conservation Poster Prize.


“Events: planning and protection.” In The National Trust Manual of Housekeeping, Butterworth-Heinemann, (2005), 722-722 [with Catherine MacCarthy, Caroline Cotgrove and Nettie Cook]


“Display cases and exhibitions.” In The National Trust Manual of Housekeeping Butterworth-Heinemann, (2005), 734-743 [with Linda Bullock].


“Building Projects in the National Trust: Developing Conservation and Conservators.” Joint paper with Katy Lithgow at Conservation 2004: Working with the Project Culture. UKIC Conference, July 9th 2004. Verbal presentations and abstracts published on dvd.


“Museum Registration and the National Trust.” Views, Winter 2003.


“Keeping Woolly Bears at Bay!” in Bristol Magpies Newsletter, Autumn, 1996


“Environmental News: Fumigation and Pest Control at Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery 94/95”, in Museums Journal 1995 p.42


“Conservation in Ancient Egyptian Collections”, ed., C.E.Brown, F. Macalister, M.Wright, Conference Proceedings, Archetype, 1995.


“XRF Analysis of Viking silver from the Ashmolean Museum.” Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (1992) pp.324-325


“Thin section and Neutron Activation Analysis of Saxo-Norman sandy wares from Flaxengate.” In Lincolnshire Archaeological Trust monologue (1984)


“Conservation of an animal skin buoy.” In The National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland annual report (1981)


Various copper alloys and metal slag analysis reports (Atomic Absorption Analysis and visual) in archaeological journals – when employed in the Ancient Monuments Laboratories, English Heritage, 1980.


“An Archaeological Geophysics Survey at Colton, W.Yorkshire.” Unpublished dissertation: Department of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds, 1980.



Presentations at conferences and public events


“Artefact recovery for places of worship: preparation, response, and training.”  Presentation at “Protecting our Places of Worship” South East CCSM (Cross Sector Safety Security Communications) Multi Faith Group event Rochester Cathedral 6 Nov 2019, organised by Ward Security


Presentation: “Preparing for Extreme Events: A Conservator’s Perspective

Panel member: Icon (Institute of Conservation) Book and Paper Conservation AGM 30 March 2019


“Planning for the Unthinkable: Protecting the National Heritage Sector.” V&A 29 November 2018 – member of final responding panel


“Emergency Planning Networks and Training - Setting up a Regional Network.” Presentation at Emergency Planning Network Meeting South East and Mid & West Wales 21 Nov 2017


Emergency Planning Networks and Training.” Presentation at North Wales Emergency Planning Group 10 Nov 2017


"Staff and responders’ welfare during and after emergencies." Presentation at 3rd SHARE Collections Care Conference 20 Jan 2017


"Emergency Networks in the UK: Collaboration." Presentation at "Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail"  Icon Collections Care Group Conference at the British Library 3 Oct 2016


"Saving collections in an uncertain world: Context, collaboration and training."  Presentation with Claire Fry, Christine Murray and Bethan Stanley at AIC CAC/ACCR Emergency! Preparing for Disasters and Confronting the Unexpected in Conservation, Montreal, 17 May 2016


"Comparing and Contrasting Networks in the UK." Contribution to panel "To Protect and Preserve: Collaborative Efforts to Build and Sustain Cultural Heritage Emergency Networks", with Alexandra Ellem, Lori Foley, Malia Van Heukelem and Julie Page, at AIC CAC/ACCR Emergency! Preparing for Disasters and Confronting the Unexpected in Conservation, Montreal, 16 May 2016


"Context, Case Studies and Review of Training in the NTS." National Trust for Scotland, Hermiston Quay NTS Headquarters Emergency Planning Study Day. 25 February 2016


"Working with professionals: What could be better?" Presentation at symposium for Preventive Conservation for Interiors [Behoud van Binnen. Preventieve conservering van interieurs]. Amsterdam 9th October 2013.


"Training for Disasters in Museums, Archives and Historic Houses."  Presentations at two day Seminar for Museums, Stockholm, Sweden - for the National Heritage Board (Riksantikvarieämbetet). 30-31st May 2013


"Disaster Planning for Heritage Organisations."  Presentation to Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellows SW, Taunton. 11th May 2013


"Standards and guidance relating to disaster planning & Training for disasters." Presentation at Conference on Protection of Cultural Property in Asia. Thimphu, Bhutan. 15-18th February 2013. Conference Publication forthcoming. [Conference supported by the Royal Government of Bhutan, Interpol and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.]


"Training for Disasters: Mitigation for Loss.” Cultural Heritage Protection in times of Risk: Challenges and Opportunities. ICOMOS-ICORP (International Council on Monuments and Sites – International Committee for Risk Preparedness). Istanbul, 15-17 November 2012


""Training for the Evacuation of Collections from Museums, Galleries and Historic Houses." Presentation for ICOM-ICMS (International Council of Museums - International Committee for Museum Security) Annual conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, 7-13.10.2012


“Moving On and Catching Up. Professional Accreditation for Conservators – Restorers.” Paper presented at the Society of Archivists annual conference, “Fast Forward”. Bristol 4.9.2009


“Emergency Planning” for Gloucestershire’s museums and heritage group meeting Fire, Flood and Infestation. 27.11.2008


“An Archaeological Conservator Abroad in the Middle East” speaker for a meeting of the South Oxfordshire Archaeological Group 23.10.2008


“Conservation - Restoration of C20th Collections at The Homewood and 2 Willow Road.” Lead author [with Caroline Cliffe, Sally Johnson, Ann Katrin Koster and Christine Lachelin]. Presented the paper at the V&A conference: Plastics: Looking to the Future Learning from the Past  24.5.07


“Buildings and Collections: Climate Change and Emergency Planning” Lead author for paper with Rory Cullen, Head of Buildings, National Trust, at Museums Association Seminar “ Safe and Sound: New approaches to Emergency Planning. 21.5.07 . One of the organisers for the day's seminar. Published on the DCMS Agora website.


“Emergency Response Training – working towards national standards in salvage and recovery.” Panel presentation at the above event. Published on the DCMS Agora website. No longer accessible in 2021. [with Martin Bastone, V&A, Steve Emery and Claire Fry, English Heritage, Nick Jordan, National Trust and Victoria Richards, Historic Royal Palaces].


“Filming, Events and Functions in the National Trust.” Presentation for The National Trust for Scotland’s Collections Care– Plenary Conference. 21.5.07


"The National Trust's Experience of Museum Accreditation." Museums Association Conference October 2006


“The National Trust: Collections Care Progress and Opportunities.” Presentation at the Care of Collections Forum: Delivering Collections Care Nationwide, 19.4.2005. Published in Icon News, November 2005, Issue 1,47


“Building Projects in the National Trust: Developing Conservation and Conservators.” Joint paper given with Katy Lithgow at Conservation 2004: Working with the Project Culture. UKIC Conference, July 9th 2004.


“Petworth: The Restoration of the Carved Room.” Presentation given on behalf of the whole team for the short-listed project and preparation of panel display, Pilgrim Trust Conservation Award Ceremony, 22.6.2004


“An accredited conservator’s perspective on PACR.” Short presentation, PACR Roadshow, Birmingham. 7.4.2004

Talks to public volunteers etc., Standen and Uppark on preventive conservation, and the care of ceramics, in National Trust properties. 2001/2


“Archaeology in Syria. A Conservator’s Viewpoint.” Lecture for the Asian Arts Society for the South West, July 1999.


“Pests the Unwelcome Guests! (Keeping Bugs at Bay).” Public talk at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, during Science Week, 16.3.97. Set up accompanying display: “Museum Pests”, up for 6 months.


“Arresting Decay.” Public talk during Science Week, at Bristol Museums and Art Gallery, 16.3.96. Accompanied by display, “Arresting Decay. Aspects of Conservation”, up for c. 3 months.


“An Archaeological Conservator Abroad.” Public lecture during Archaeology Week, Bristol Museums and Art Gallery, 1994/5


“Conservation and Science”, a talk given to A level chemistry students, Oxford, late 1980’s.



Training delivered


“Emergency Preparedness for Museums.” Presentation to largely senior operational managers of a multi-site national museum. 18 March 2021


“Post conflict damage assessment for collections in museums.”  British Museum Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme 2019 British Council Protection Fund Project. 25 April 2019, and 23 July 2019. “Thank you very much for your wonderful lecture. The participants really enjoyed it and I also found it very interesting.” Claudia Da Lanca, Project Coordinator Iraq Scheme, British Museum.


“Post conflict damage assessment for collections in museums.”  British Museum Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme 2018 British Council Protection Fund Project. 16 July 2018


Historic England Salvage and Disaster Recovery Course Trainer: 10-12 Oct 2017 & 17-18 April 2018


“Post conflict damage assessment for collections in museums.”  British Museum Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme 2017 British Council Protection Fund Project. 25 July 2017


Historic England Salvage and Disaster Recovery Course Trainer: 16-18 May and 11-13 July 2017


"Damage assessment of museum collections." British Museum Iraq Emergency Heritage Management Training Programme 2017 British Council Protection Fund Project. 28 February 2017


Historic England Salvage and Disaster Recovery Course Trainer: 7-9 February 2017


Emergency Planning. Two-day module for MA in Collection Care and Conservation Management, West Dean College 28-29 November 2016


"Planning and Protection: Building Works and Events" in CPD Short course in Preventive Conservation. West Dean College 29 September 2016


Historic England/National Trust/English Heritage: Emergency Salvage Course:  Trainer: April and July, October, 2016


Collections Care Workshops, Theme: Emergency Planning. Context, Case studies and Training; developed and facilitated scenario exercises, National Trust for Scotland, 4,11 and 18 February 2016


Historic England/National Trust/English Heritage: Emergency Salvage Course:  Trainer: April, July, October, December 2015


CPD Emergency Planning Day, National Trust Conservators (London and South East, East of England and West), 23 Sept and 23 October 2015


DCMS/EH/NT Emergency Salvage Course, through English Heritage:  Trainer 2014: January, April, July and December. Trainer 2015: Feb


"Planning and protection during building works and events." Session delivered for Preventive Conservation, Professional Conservators in Practice. 20th June 2013. West Dean College


"Practical Disaster Recovery" Training on behalf of Harwell Document Restoration Services sessions in 2013 for Derbyshire Record Office; Royal College of Surgeons, England; King's College Library, London and scenario exercises for RAF Museum, Hendon.


DCMS/EH/NT Emergency Salvage Course, through English Heritage:  Trainer: 2009: July, October. 2010:  January, April, July, October. 2011: February, April, July, October. 2012: January, April, July, December. 2013: January, April, July, November


“Planning and Protection: Building works, Filming and Events.” Teaching:  Preventive Conservation for Professional Conservators. West Dean College July 2012


"Emergency Planning and Salvage." Conservation of Built Structures. Teaching: ICCROM's 15th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology, Oslo (ICWCT). Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Norway.  23.6.12


"Practical Disaster Recovery" Training sessions delivered on behalf of Harwell Document Restoration Services, Nov 2010 to 2014, for University of Ulster Libraries, London Metropolitan Archives, Bronte Parsonage Museum, three sessions for heritage organisations for RAW (Renaissance at Work - West Midlands), National Library of Ireland, National University of Ireland, the Welsh Assembly, Universities of Sussex and Bristol Libraries, Kings College Library London, the Advocates Society, Edinburgh, Museum of London (Renaissance), Derbyshire Record Office, RAF Hendon and the Royal College of Surgeons.


Powis Castle, National Trust, Emergency Planning Training days, including evacuation exercise:  Sep/Oct 2010


East Midlands Regional Training Day: Emergency Salvage Training: Belton. The National Trust East Midlands properties. 26.1.2010


SE Emergency Salvage Training Day: Polesden Lacey. The NT South East properties. 20.1.2010


SE Emergency Salvage Training Day: Chartwell. The National Trust South East properties. 12.12.2009


National Trust Emergency Salvage Course: Wessex. 24-25th November 2009. Organiser and speaker.

Emergency Planning training: Table top exercise and evacuation exercise: Osterley and Ham, The National Trust. Spring 2009


"Looking after Collections". Wootton-Under-Edge Heritage Centre. 11.12.2008


“Planning and Protection: Building works, Filming and Events.” Teaching:  Preventive Conservation for Professional Conservators. West Dean College 6.6.2008


“Emergency Preparedness for saving collections.” Seminar/workshop for the Government Heritage Estates Unit: Be Prepared! Emergency Planning for Historic Buildings and Collections. Joint seminar delivered with Victoria Richards, Historic Royal Palaces. 3.10.06


Organiser and a trainer for NT annual 3 day Emergency Salvage courses training c. 75 people at a time, including evacuation exercises and delivered presentations on Training Emergency Salvage Teams. National Trust 2003-2008.


Talks/ training for public/ volunteers etc., Standen and Uppark on: Preventive Conservation, the role of volunteers, and the Care of Ceramics in National Trust properties. 2001/2

“Using Automated Systems.” Presentation given at Environmental Monitoring in Museums. Area Museums Council for the South West workshop, 3.6.1991.



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