13 May 2024

Mutual recognition of professional accreditation of conservator-restorers between lCRl and lcon

We are delighted to announce that Icon has signed the agreement of mutual recognition of accreditation with ICRI.

From now on ICRI Accredited members (known by the postnominals A-ICRI) are eligible to become Accredited members of Icon without being re-assessed. They will still need to pay our Accredited membership fees. ICRI Accredited members will get added to the listing of all Accredited members on the Conservation Register and are also eligible to take out enhanced listings on the register. 

ICRI members wishing to pursue this need to prove that they are Accredited members of ICRI, have maintained their fees and are up to date with their ICRI CPD requirements. 

Conservators play a vital role in caring for our heritage across the UK and internationally, with accreditation providing peer review recognition for the skills and experience of professional conservators. I very much look forward to welcoming A-ICRI Conservators onto the Conservation Register and to working more closely with ICRI into the future!” – Emma Jhita, Icon CEO

“Accreditation is a vital process, functioning as a key mechanism for ensuring quality and fostering continuous improvement in professional standards and education. I am delighted that accreditation parity between Icon and ICRI has now been finalised, and I very much look forward to working more closely with Icon over the coming years!” – Muirne Lydon, ICRI Chair


The agreement:

The Institute of Conservation (Icon) and the Institute of Conservator-Restorers in Ireland (ICRI) are both committed to supporting the development of high professional standards of conservation practice across the Republic of Ireland and the United Kingdom.

Icon and ICRI both deliver systems· of professional accreditation which demonstrates to clients, employers and peers that an individual has an in-depth knowledge of conservation, a high degree of competence, sound judgement and a deep understanding of the principles which underpin their practice. 

We believe that there is sufficient parity between both assessment systems that would allow Icon and ICRI to recognise the professional accreditation of members of both organisations without any need for the individual members to be reassessed.

This arrangement relates only to those members who are active members of their respective
organisations and who have sufficiently satisfied the continuing professional development
requirements of both organisations.

ICRI members who choose to pursue mutual recognition would:

  • Become Accredited members of Icon and be required to pay Icon Accredited membership fees.
  • Be listed as accredited professionals on the Icon Conservation Register and be eligible to take out an 'upgraded listing'. 
  • Be subject to Icon's complaints procedure unless the complaint relates to an issue with work undertaken in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Be recognised by Icon using the post-nominals, A-ICRI.
  • Continue to maintain their accredited membership of ICRI and be subject to ICRl's CPD review procedures. They would be required to prove their accredited status to Icon on an annual basis at the point of membership renewals.

Icon members who choose to pursue mutual recognition would:

  • Become Accredited members of ICRI and be required to pay ICRI Accredited membership fees.
  • Be listed on the ICRI 'Find a Conservator' service on the website, as accredited members.
  • Be subject to ICRl's complaints procedure for work that is carried out in the Republic of Ireland.
  • Be recognised by ICRI using the post-nominals, ACR.
  • Continue to maintain their accredited membership of Icon and be subject to Icon's CPD review procedures. They would be required to prove their accredited statul5 to ICRI on an annual basis at the point of membership renewals.

It is also agreed that:

  • The arrangement will be reviewed in 2026 and then on a 5-yearly basis. After that point, this relationship would be reciprocal with the same requirements and benefits outlined above being available for Accredited members of Icon wishing to gain ICRI Accredited status, and vice versa.
  • Individual members applying for accreditation either through Icon or ICRI must do so in their country of residence. i.e. an individual based in the UK would not be eligible to apply for accreditation through ICRI and vice versa. Members based in Northern Ireland may apply to the professional body of their choosing.