A vocational route into the conservation profession
Apprenticeships are work based training programmes which combine on the job training, formal learning and paid employment.
The options for apprenticeship training vary across the UK, with different systems operatning in each of the nations. If you are looking to find an apprenticeship opportunity to kickstart your career in conservaion you can find vacancies by visiting the following sites:
Icon does not endorse any particular conservation course. However, we do advise which academic courses teach our Professional Standards in Conservation. Our Professional Standards are grounded on National Occupational Standards and are designed to ensure professional conservators abide by the Code of Conduct and are suitably qualified, skilled and competent for the tasks they undertake.
Lincoln is home to the largest centre for Conservation studies in the UK and, with more than 40 years’ experience, is a leading authority in the field.
The University offers Conservation programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. These courses link the practical skill of preservation with scientific investigation and analysis. There is an emphasis on gaining hands-on experience in purpose-built laboratories using historical material provided by museums and private collections.
The University of Lincoln is the first academic provider in England to offer the new Level 7 Cultural Heritage Conservator apprenticeship, and the course will run alongside their existing programme of undergraduate and postgraduate taught degrees. Successful applicants will gain an MA in Heritage Conservation from the University of Lincoln, and then progress to the end point assessment for the apprenticeship qualification, which will be delivered by Icon.
Courses offered
Level 7 Cultural Heritage Conservator Degree Apprenticeship
Dr Cathy Daly - cdaly@lincoln.ac.uk
Dr Lynda Skipper - lskipper@lincoln.ac.uk
This institution has confirmed that they teach the Professional Standards in Conservation.
Updated February 2021
Westminster Adult Education Service (WAES) is one of Westminster’s leading training providers, specialising in the delivery of Creative and Cultural apprenticeships.
We work closely with employers of all sizes throughout Westminster, London and nationally to support them in the recruitment of new apprentices and to upskill or re-skill existing staff. We have many years' experience in successfully training and preparing Apprentices for end point assessment from a wide range of businesses and organisations.
Apprenticeships offered